selected publications academicarticle Rogers, G. O., & Park, Y. (2018). Rapid Development, Build-Out Ratio and Subsequent Neighborhood Turnover. Sustainability. 10(5), 1339-1339. Rogers, G. O., Bardenhagen, E. K., & Lorente, P. (2016). Limiting disaster assistance to enhance community resilience. Resilience. 4(3), 182-201. Park, Y., & Rogers, G. O. (2015). Neighborhood Planning Theory, Guidelines, and Research: Can Area, Population, and Boundary Guide Conceptual Framing?. Journal of Planning Literature. 30(1), 18-36. Rogers, G. O., Saginor, J., & Jithitikulchai, T. (2014). Dynamics of lake-level fluctuations and economic activity. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 57(10), 1497-1514. Sung, C. Y., Li, M., Rogers, G. O., Volder, A., & Wang, Z. (2011). Investigating alien plant invasion in urban riparian forests in a hot and semi-arid region. Landscape and Urban Planning. 100(3), 278-286. Kweon, B., Ellis, C. D., Leiva, P. I., & Rogers, G. O. (2010). Landscape components, land use, and neighborhood satisfaction. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 37(3), 500-517. Rogers, G. O., & Sukolratanametee, S. (2009). Neighborhood design and sense of community: Comparing suburban neighborhoods in Houston Texas. Landscape and Urban Planning. 92(3-4), 325-334. Kweon, B. S., Ellis, C. D., Lee, S. W., & Rogers, G. O. (2006). Large-scale environmental knowledge - Investigating the relationship between self-reported and objectively measured physical environments. Environment and Behavior. 38(1), 72-91. Touch, G. E., & Rogers, G. O. (2005). Environmental equity and electric power generation: Disparate community outcomes within Texas?. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 48(6), 891-915. Rogers, G. O., & DeFee, B. B. (2005). Long-term impact of development on a watershed: early indicators of future problems. Landscape and Urban Planning. 73(2-3), 215-233. Rogers, G. O. (1998). Siting potentially hazardous facilities: what factors impact perceived and acceptable risk?. Landscape and Urban Planning. 39(4), 265-281. Rogers, G. O. (1997). The dynamics of risk perception: How does perceived risk respond to risk events?. Risk Analysis. 17(6), 745-757. Rogers, G. O. (1997). Dynamic risk perception in two communities: Risk events and changes in perceived risk. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 40(1), 59-79. ROGERS, G. O. (1994). THE TIMING OF EMERGENCY DECISIONS - MODELING DECISIONS BY COMMUNITY OFFICIALS DURING CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS. 37(2), 353-373. SORENSEN, J. H., CARNES, S. A., & ROGERS, G. O. (1992). AN APPROACH FOR DERIVING EMERGENCY PLANNING ZONES FOR CHEMICAL MUNITIONS EMERGENCIES. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 30(3), 223-242. ROGERS, G. O., & SORENSEN, J. H. (1991). ADOPTION OF EMERGENCY PLANNING PRACTICES FOR CHEMICAL HAZARDS IN THE UNITED-STATES. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 27(1), 3-26.
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mailing address Texas A&M University Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning 3137 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-3137 USA