Conversion of cadastral data to KML file type for use in Google Earth and Google Maps for Mobile as a land information system
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Real-time geographic information systems (GIS) mapping is possible with online suppliers for application in surveying and mapping projects. Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is the format used to display geospatial points in Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for Mobile. Some tags are optional for programming with KML. Because this is a mark-up language, key words or tags are used to generate geographic features and map elements. In each element, the tags must be in a specific order within the KML. When Google Maps is generating a map within the KML the features and elements are drawn within a linear progression through the coded file. Utilization of this KML data for real-time mapping activities on land surveying and engineering projects is investigated in this research. This research will show how producing database files in the office or field and making the data available to users in real-time. 2010 ACM.
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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application