Construction of a BAC library and generation of BAC end sequence-tagged connectors for genome sequencing of the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae.
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A Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) genomic DNA library of Anopheles gambiae, the major human malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa, was constructed and characterized. This library (ND-TAM) is composed of 30,720 BAC clones in eighty 384-well plates. The estimated average insert size of the library is 133 kb, with an overall genome coverage of approximately 14-fold. The ends of approximately two-thirds of the clones in the library were sequenced, yielding 32,340 pair-mate ends. A statistical analysis (G-test) of the results of PCR screening of the library indicated a random distribution of BACs in the genome, although one gap encompassing the white locus on the X-chromosome was identified. Furthermore, combined with another previously constructed BAC library (ND-1), ~2,000 BACs have been physically mapped by polytene chromosomal in situ hybridization. These BAC end pair mates and physically mapped BACs have been useful for both the assembly of a fully sequenced A. gambiae genome and for linking the assembled sequence to the three polytene chromosomes. This ND-TAM library is now publicly available at both and, providing a valuable resource to the mosquito research community.