Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety
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Few insects are more influenced by human-changed influences than nuisance and pest flies; including the house fly, stable fly, and horn fly. There is a significant body of literature on the biology and economic impact of these pests but this multidisciplinary project examines methods to improve control of these pests using modern technologies. Advances developed in the course of this project will lead to the development of new and innovative pest management technologies to mitigate these threats.Biting and nuisance flies are among the most important pests in livestock and poultry production systems. These flies are responsible for damage and control costs in excess of a billion dollars per year in the United States. In addition to the direct damage these flies inflict upon livestock, their presence as a byproduct of confined livestock and poultry operations has been repeatedly cited as a nuisance, especially when flies enter the vicinity of human habitations and urban environments. Lawsuits,zoning limitations and animosity between farmers and home owners have resulted. In spite of their ubiquitous presence, importance as pests, and association with diseases of humans and livestock, our knowledge of the biology of these species is seriously wanting and available control technologies remain inadequate.Successful completion of this project will provide a better understanding of the interactions between livestock production systems and the life cycles of several pest flies. By targeting these interactions we will provide economically feasible and environmentally friendly technology for reducing the impact of flies on livestock production and human health. The project will develop new control technologies for biting and nuisance flies and will assess the fly resistance to insecticides that are currently available or under development. New technological innovations and comprehensive pest management information will be provided to producers through a multistate coordinated effort to provide the broadest reach for project outcomes thereby increasing the health and quality of livestock and reducing the economic impact of these pest flies.