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Yoder, Paula Clinical Assistant Professor


Exploring Critical multiculturalism has the potential to support social justice movements of democracy, in that it necessities the need for recognizing and addressing issues of oppression, marginalization, and discrimination. Critical Multicultural experiences may inform an individual's thinking and problem-solving ability.

Yoder, P. 2018. IRB: 2017-102416-17021: A comparative analysis and phenomenological study: the relationship between critical thinking and Women's lived critical multicultural experiences.

Yoder, P. 2014. The Academy of Human Resource Development. The Application of Thomas Kuhn's Scientific Revolution to the Paradigm Shift of Technology and Adult Learning. Yoder, P. 2013.

Yoder, P. 2013. Texas Council of Professors of Educational Administration Graduate Research Exchange: The Application of Thomas Kuhn's Scientific Revolution to the Paradigm Shift of Technology in the Twenty-First Century; the ethnographic stories of a heart transplant recipient, a higher education administrator, a woman executive, and a retired veteran.

CEO Magazine 2014 Featured Article: Leading the Way.

Research Areas research areas

HR job title

  • Clinical Assistant Professor