selected publications academicarticle Bermiss, Y. S., Green, J., & Hand, J. (2023). Does Greater Diversity in Executive Race/Ethnicity Reliably Predict Better Future Firm Financial Performance?. 7(1), 45-60. Green, J., Lin, P., & Xu, N. (2023). Prompting Information Acquisition as a Newswire Journalist: Evidence from Newswire Stories around Earnings Announcements Green, J., Hand, J., & Sikochi, A. (2022). The asymmetric mispricing information in analysts' target prices. 29(1), 1-27. Green, J., Louis, H., & Sani, J. (2022). Intangible Investments, Scaling, and the Trend in the Accrual-Cash Flow Association. Journal of Accounting Research. 60(4), 1551-1582. Green, J., & Zhao, W. (2022). Forecasting Earnings and Returns: A Review of Recent Advancements Green, J., Louis, H., & Sani, J. (2022). Intangible Investments, Scaling, and the Trend in the AccrualCash Flow Association. 60. Green, J., & Hand, J. (2021). Diversity Matters/Delivers/Wins Revisited in S&P 500 Firms Green, J., & Hand, J. (2021). Measuring and Calibrating the Racial/Ethnic Densities of Executives in US Public Companies Green, J., Green, J., & Kartapanis, A. (2021). Future Earnings Information in Business Text Bonsall, S. B., Green, J., & Muller, K. (2020). Market uncertainty and the importance of media coverage at earnings announcements. Journal of Accounting. 69(1), 101264-101264. Flam, R. W., Green, J., Lee, J. A., & Sharp, N. Y. (2020). A Level Playing Field? Empirical Evidence That Ethnic Minority Analysts Face Unequal Access to Corporate Managers Flam, R. W., Green, J., & Sharp, N. Y. (2020). Do Investors Respond to CEO Facial Expressions of Anger During Television Interviews? Bonsall, S. B., Green, J. R., & Muller, K. A. (2018). Are Credit Ratings More Rigorous for Widely Covered Firms?. Accounting Review. 93(6), 61-94. Cassar, G. J., Gerakos, J. J., Green, J. R., Hand, J., & Neal, M. (2018). Hedge Fund Voluntary Disclosure. Accounting Review. 93(2), 117-135. Chapman, K., & Green, J. (2018). Analysts' Influence on Managers' Guidance. Accounting Review. 93(1), 45-69. Hand, J., Coyne, J., Green, J., & Zhang, X. F. (2017). The Use of Residual Income Valuation Methods by US Sell-Side Equity Analysts. 2(1), 1-29. Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, X. F. (2017). The Characteristics that Provide Independent Information about Average U.S. Monthly Stock Returns. The Review of Financial Studies. 30(12), 4389-4436. Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, X. F. (2016). Errors and questionable judgments in analysts DCF models. Review of accounting studies. 21(2), 596-632. Cassar, G., Gerakos, J., Green, J., Hand, J., & Neal, M. (2015). Hedge Fund Voluntary Disclosure. SSRN Electronic Journal. Cao, C., Green, J., & Li, J. (2014). Do Hedge Funds Prefer Safe Stocks? Revisiting Hedge Fund Preferences for Stock Characteristics Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, X. F. (2013). The supraview of return predictive signals. 18(3), 692-730. Brown, G. W., Green, J., & Hand, J. (2012). Are Hedge Funds Systemically Important?. The Journal of Derivatives. 20(2), 8-25. Green, J., Hand, J., & Soliman, M. T. (2011). Going, Going, Gone? The Apparent Demise of the Accruals Anomaly. Management science. 57(5), 797-816. Hand, J., & Green, J. (2011). The Importance of Accounting Information in Portfolio Optimization. JAAF: Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance. 26(1), 1-34. Green, J., Louis, H., & Sani, J. Intangible Investments, Scaling, and the Trend in the Accrual-Cash Flow Association institutional repository document Green, J., & Hand, J. (2021). Diversity matters/delivers/wins revisited in S&P 500 firms Green, J., & Hand, J. (2021). Measuring and calibrating the racial/ethnic densities of executives in US publicly traded companies Green, J., Hand, J., & Sikochi, S. (2020). Undervaluation Alpha: Analyzing the Returns to Analyst-Claimed Mispricing Hand, J., Coyne, J. G., Green, J., & Zhang, F. (2015). The Use of Residual Income Valuation Methods by U.S. Sell-Side Equity Analysts Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, F. (2014). Errors and Questionable Judgments in Analysts' DCF Models Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, F. (2013). The Characteristics that Provide Independent Information about Average U.S. Monthly Stock Returns Green, J., Hand, J., & Zhang, F. (2012). The Supraview of Return Predictive Signals Green, J., Hand, J., & Penn, M. W. (2011). Business Press Coverage and the Market Pricing of Good and Bad News Brown, G. W., Green, J., & Hand, J. (2010). Are Hedge Funds Systemically Important? Green, J., Hand, J., & Soliman, M. T. (2009). Going, Going, Gone? The Demise of the Accruals Anomaly
teaching activities ACCT647 Financial Stmnt Analysis Instructor ACCT648 Acct Info Systems Instructor ACCT658 Adv Acct Data Analytics Instructor ACCT688 Doctoral Seminar Instructor ANLY630 Anly For Financial Reporting Instructor BUAD689 Sptp: Analytics For Finc Repor Instructor BUAD689 Sptp: Anlytcs Financial Anlys Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States) 2010 M.S. in Accounting, Brigham Young University - (Provo, Utah, United States) 2005