selected publications academicarticle Smith, K. C., & Schielack, V. P. (1994). Parametric Equations and Planar Curves. College Mathematics Journal. 25(4), 319-319. chapter Schielack, V. (1995). Baseball cards, collecting, and mathematics. House, P. (Eds.), Connecting Mathematics Across the Curriculum. (pp. 210-218). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
teaching activities EDCI691 Research Instructor MATH366 Structure Of Math Ii Instructor MATH367 Basic Concepts Of Geom Instructor MATH375 Intrmed Real Analysis Instructor MATH376 Intrmed Abstract Alg Instructor MATH403 Math And Technology Instructor MATH467 Modern Geometry Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Travis, Jennifer Lynn (2014-05). A Self-regulated Learning Intervention for Developmental Mathematics Students at a Community College: Effects of Study Journals on Achievement and Study Habits.
education and training Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 1982 M.S. in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 1980 B.S. in Mathematics, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1978