Fall-winter growth of young channel catfish in response to quantity and source of dietary lipid
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Age-0 channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus demonstrated no significant growth differences over 20 weeks during fall and winter when fed, in indoor tanks, semipurified diets containing 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14% lipid in the form of beef tallow, soybean oil, or fish oil. Fish on the 10% lipid diets showed a tendency toward best growth within each dietary lipid group but no well defined optimum lipid level was found. Carcass lipid percentages, and fatty acid patterns were similar among fish offered diets containing the same lipid source, regardless of the percentage of lipid in the diet. Striking differences in the patterns of such fatty acids as 14:0, 18:19, 18:26, 18:33, 20:53, 22:53, and 22:63 reflected dietary lipid sources. 1982 by the American fisheries society.