Nondestructive measurement of sunshine bass, Morone chrysops (Rafinesque) Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), body composition using electrical conductivity
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Abstract. We describe a rapid, nondestructive method for determining lean body mass (LBM; i.e. total body mass total lipid mass) and lipid content in live fish. This method provides noninvasive determination of body composition by measuring the total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) of an animal placed within a lowfrequency electromagnetic field. This principle is governed by the different electrical properties of body fat and fatfree tissues. Relationships between TOBEC analysis and body composition were examined using juvenile sunshine bass (hybrid striped bass, Morone chrysops (Rafinesque) M. saxatilis (Walbaum) ) in a size range of 24124g. Wholebody conductivity was significantly correlated to LBM, lipid, protein, water, and ash content. Analyses of an independent group of fish indicated TOBEC to be a reliable indicator of body composition. This method should prove useful for deriving body composition data at various phases of an experiment or a life cycle, rather than a single point in time as with destructive methods. Copyright 1993, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved