Relative Salt Tolerance of Seven Texas Superstar Perennials uri icon


  • Salt tolerance of seven Texas Superstar perennials [Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (Turks cap), Phlox paniculata John Fanick (John Fanick phlox), Phlox paniculata Texas Pink (Texas Pink phlox), Ruellia brittoniana Katie Blue (Katie Blue ruellia), Salvia farinacea Henry Duelberg (Henry Duelberg salvia), Salvia leucantha (mexican bush sage), and Verbena hybrida Blue Princess (Blue Princess verbena)] was evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. Plants were irrigated with a nutrient solution at electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.1 dSm1 (control) or a salt solution at EC of 5.0 or 10.0 dSm1 (EC 5 or EC 10) for 8 weeks. John Fanick and Texas Pink phlox plants in EC 5 had severe salt foliage damage, while those in EC 10 were died. Mexican bush sage in EC 10 had severe salt foliage damage. Turks cap, Katie Blue ruellia, Henry Duelberg salvia, and Blue Princess verbena had minor foliar damage regardless of treatment. EC 5 reduced the shoot dry weight (DW) by 45% in Texas Pink phlox and 11% to 18% in Katie Blue ruellia, Henry Duelberg salvia, and mexican bush sage, but did not impact the shoot DW of Turks cap and John Fanick phlox. EC 10 further decreased the shoot DW of Katie Blue ruellia, Henry Duelberg salvia, and mexican bush sage plants by 32%, 29%, and 56%, respectively. EC 5 decreased leaf net photosynthesis (Pn) of Texas Pink phlox and mexican bush sage, while EC 10 reduced Pn of all species except Henry Duelberg salvia and Blue Princess verbena. Katie Blue ruellia and Blue Princess verbena had relatively lower leaf Na concentration and John Fanick phlox, Texas Pinkphlox, and mexican bush sage had higher leaf Cl concentrations. In summary, Turks cap, Katie Blue ruellia, Henry Duelberg salvia, and Blue Princess verbena were the most tolerant perennials, and John Fanick phlox, Texas Pink phlox, and mexican bush sage were the least tolerant to salinity.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Sun, Y., Niu, G., & Perez, C.

citation count

  • 24

publication date

  • October 2015