Statistical Mechanical Model for Adsorption Coupled with SAFT-VR Mie Equation of State.
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We extend the SAFT-VR Mie equation of state to calculate adsorption isotherms by considering explicitly the residual energy due to the confinement effect. Assuming a square-well potential for the fluid-solid interactions, the structure imposed by the fluid-solid interface is calculated using two different approaches: an empirical expression proposed by Travalloni et al. ( Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 , 3088 - 3099 , 2010 ), and a new theoretical expression derived by applying the mean value theorem. Adopting the SAFT-VR Mie ( Lafitte et al. J. Chem. Phys. , 139 , 154504 , 2013 ) equation of state to describe the fluid-fluid interactions, and solving the phase equilibrium criteria, we calculate adsorption isotherms for light hydrocarbons adsorbed in a carbon molecular sieve and for carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water adsorbed in a zeolite. Good results are obtained from the model using either approach. Nonetheless, the theoretical expression seems to correlate better the experimental data than the empirical one, possibly implying that a more reliable way to describe the structure ensures a better description of the thermodynamic behavior.