Glioblastoma multiforme in three baboons (Papio spp). uri icon


  • Glioblastoma multiforme is the most malignant astrocytic neoplasm and the most common brain neoplasm of humans. Spontaneous neoplasms of the brain are rare in nonhuman primates. This report describes three glioblastomas in adult captive-reared baboons. The animals exhibited a range of clinical signs, including depression, weight loss, weakness, and blindness. All three neoplasms were located in the cerebrum, with extension into the pons in one case. Histologically, the tumors were similar and were characterized by cellular pleomorphism, multinucleated cells, areas of necrosis, microvascular proliferation (glomeruloid bodies), and palisading of neoplastic cells around blood vessels and areas of necrosis. Two baboons exhibited gemistocytic differentiation, and in one baboon, the neoplastic cells were predominantly spindle shaped with a fascicular growth pattern. Immunohistochemical staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein, vimentin, and S-100 protein was positive, whereas immunostaining for synaptophysin and chromogranin A was negative. Positive staining for the cell proliferation marker Ki67 ranged from 8.2% to 13.9%. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dVTPnick end labeling (TUNEL) staining ranged from 1.8% to 5.7%. These baboon glioblastomas share many features with those of humans.

published proceedings

  • Vet Pathol

author list (cited authors)

  • Porter, B. F., Summers, B. A., Leland, M. M., & Hubbard, G. B.

citation count

  • 10

complete list of authors

  • Porter, BF||Summers, BA||Leland, MM||Hubbard, GB

publication date

  • July 2004