Coming full circle: from teacher reflection to classroom action and places in-between uri icon


  • The article shows the experience of professional development over the course of a decade of one teacher's career nested against the backdrop of one reforming middle-school context in the USA. Through the use of four fine-grained narrative exemplars, the campus professional development trajectory is examined from the vantage point of Daryl Wilson, an eighth-grade literacy teacher who participated in the research study for 10 years. By using narrative inquiry as both a method and a form to feature Daryl's and some of his colleagues' experiences of teacher learning within the context of school reform, the strengths and challenges of the various iterations of professional development are discussed. In the final analysis, the narrative exemplars show Daryl Wilson's meaning-making as he moves from an isolated form of teacher reflection to full-blown classroom action where his students' learning and his colleagues' professional development are also implicated. However, before coming full circle, Daryl experiences some less-than-satisfying teacher learning situations in-between. 2010 Taylor & Francis.

published proceedings


author list (cited authors)

  • Craig, C.

citation count

  • 10

publication date

  • August 2010