Social problem-solving abilities and psychological adjustment of persons in low vision rehabilitation
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Objective: Tested the relations of social problem-solving abilities to distress, depression, and well-being and impairment reported by persons participating in a low vision rehabilitation program. Study Design: Correlational and multiple regression analyses. Setting: Outpatient low vision rehabilitation clinic. Participants: 25 men (M = 73.88 years old, SD = 11.94 years) and 29 women (M = 68.79 years old, SD = 17.25 years) participating in a comprehensive admitting examination. Main Outcome Measures: Emotional distress specific to the condition, depressive behavior, satisfaction with life, and functional ability. Results: A negative problem orientation significantly predicted depression and emotional distress; rational problem-solving skills predicted life satisfaction. Conclusions: A negative problem orientation toward problem solving predicts poor emotional adjustment reported by persons with low vision, and proactive problem-solving skills appear to promote optimal adjustment. Copyright 2005 by the Educational Pubishing Foundation.