A Comprehensive Water Audit of the San Antonio Water System
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Water accountability standards are increasing for many water utilities as supplies are progressively strained. Water demand for San Antonio, Texas, the eighth largest city in the United States, is expected to double by 2050. At this time, San Antonio is solely dependent upon groundwater, the majority of which comes from a capped withdrawal of the Edwards Aquifer. In addition to a full portfolio of water conservation policies, San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is undergoing a water audit using the standards and methodology of the International Water Association (IWA). This audit is being completed in anticipation of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) requiring audits of water purveyors starting in 2006. Successful application of the IWA method to SAWS infrastructure and management practices requires some adaptations to the audit procedure. Changes to the water audit methodology and new techniques for calculating audit components are presented. 2007 ASCE.
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World Environmental and Water Resource Congress 2006