Planning Human Resource Development and Continuing Professional Education Programs That Use Educational Technologies: Voices That Must be Heard uri icon


  • The problem and the solution. Many human resource development and continuing professional education programs that use technology lack quality and are not fully implemented because development and delivery processes do not work well thereby alienating learners and/or faculty. Many others are implemented but not sustained, often because the program design is fundamentally unsustainable. One general way of describing the problem is to say that when planners design the program, processes, and business model, they often do not take into account the interests of all internal and external stakeholders. This article focuses on how planning models that foreground learning but neglect faculty, staff, and organizational interests undermine learning, because they undercut implementation and sustainability. Planning models that foreground and balance stakeholder interests support learning because they support implementation and sustainability.

published proceedings

  • Advances in Developing Human Resources

author list (cited authors)

  • Umble, K. E., & Dooley, L. M.

citation count

  • 4

complete list of authors

  • Umble, Karl E||Dooley, Larry M

publication date

  • February 2004