Basic determinants of epicardial fluid transudation
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The purpose of this study was to determine the hydraulic conductivity and osmotic reflection coefficient for the epicardium. A plexiglass hemispheric capsule was attached to the left ventricular epicardial surface in dogs anesthetized with halothane and mechanically ventilated. Transepicardial fluid flux was measured over 30 minute periods for three different intracapsular pressures (-5, -15, and -25 mmHg) and two intracapsular solutions. The two solutions consisted of bovine albumin in 0.9% saline and exerted colloid osmotic pressures of 6.8 (soin. 1) or 1.8 (soin. 2) mmHg. Epicardial flux was plotted as a function of intracapsular pressure for each solution, analyzed by linear regression and compared using one factor ANCOVA. The slopes of the resultant lines representing hydraulic conductivity were not significantly different and equalled .0034 .0004 and .0036 .0005 ml/cm2/hr/mmHg for solutions 1 and 2, respectively. Hydraulic conductivity of the combined data equalled .0035 .0003 ml/ cm2/hr/mmHg. The difference in epicardial flux between the two solutions (.015 .005 ml/cmVhr) was significant (P<0.01). This difference indicates an osmotic reflection coefficient for the epicardium of approximately 0.88. Supported by NIH-36115.