publication venue for
- The silver bullet that wasnt: Rapid agronomic weed adaptations to glyphosate in North America. 2. 2023
- Anomalous widespread arid events in Asia over the past 550,000 years.. 2:pgad175. 2023
- Fluorescence lifetime image microscopy prediction with convolutional neural networks for cell detection and classification in tissues.. 1:pgac235. 2022
- Engineering a self-eliminating transgene in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti.. 1:pgac037. 2022
- Indole modulates cooperative protein-protein interactions in the flagellar motor.. 1:pgac035-. 2022
- Seven steps to enhance Open Science practices in animal science.. 1:pgac106. 2022
- A Tomato bushy stunt virus-based vector for simultaneous editing and sensing to survey the host antiviral RNA silencing machinery. pgad436.
- Artificial intelligence in food and nutrition evidence: The challenges and opportunities based on a convening of content experts. pgae461.
- Decoding roughness perception in distributed haptic devices.. 3:pgae468.
- Genetic diversity of the major cat allergen, Fel d 1.. 3:pgae447.
- High-throughput quantification of dynamic and spall strength of materials across ten orders of strain rates. pgae148.
- Low-rate smartphone videoscopy for microsecond luminescence lifetime imaging with machine learning.. 2:pgad313.
- Unveiling the environmental significance of acetylperoxyl radical: Reactivity quantification and kinetic modeling.. 3:pgae330.