Reconsidering the Sources of the Self in the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods
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Reconsidering the Sources of the Self aims to reconfigure the historical study of conceptions of selfhood in the Western traditions, focusing on the ancient, medieval, and early modern periods. Highly interdisciplinary (Philosophy, Literature, Theology, Classics, and History), it will break new ground by (a) including thinkers outside the standard philosophical/theological canon, (b) incorporating medieval conceptions of selfhood, and (c) exploring how ideas of selfhood are articulated in forms and genres besides philosophical and theological treatises. We are seeking funding from an NEH Collaborative Research Convening Grant for a workshop to bring together 15 scholars (13 confirmed). During the funding period (10/1/19 – 9/30/20) we will produce and submit to a major press a book proposal for an edited volume with the workshop papers and an extended introduction. We will produce a website that explains the project and workshop for both scholarly and general audiences.