selected publications academicarticle Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Viet-Cuong, P., & Xu, Z. (2022). The topological modular forms of RP2$mathbb {R}P boolean AND 2$ and RP2 boolean AND CP2$mathbb {R}P boolean AND 2 wedge mathbb {C}P boolean AND 2$. Journal of Topology. 15(4), 1864-1926. Bhattacharya, P., Bobkova, I., & Thomas, B. (2021). THE P1/2 MARGOLIS HOMOLOGY OF CONNECTIVE TOPOLOGICAL MODULAR FORMS. Homology, Homotopy and Applications. 23(2), 379-402. Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Hill, M., & Stojanoska, V. (2020). Invertible K(2)-local E-modules in C-4-spectra. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 20(7), 3423-3503. Bobkova, I. (2020). SPANIER-WHITEHEAD DUALITY IN THE K(2)-LOCAL CATEGORY AT p=2. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 148(12), 5421-5436. Bobkova, I., Hoening, E., Lindenstrauss, A., Poirier, K., Richter, B., & Zakharevich, I. (2019). Splittings and calculational techniques for higher THH. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 19(7), 3711-3753. Bobkova, I., & Goerss, P. G. (2018). Topological resolutions in K(2)-local homotopy theory at the prime 2. Journal of Topology. 11(4), 918-957. Basterra, M., Bobkova, I., Ponto, K., Tillmann, U., & Yeakel, S. (2018). Inverting operations in operads. Topology and its Applications. 235, 130-145. Basterra, M., Bobkova, I., Ponto, K., Tillmann, U., & Yeakel, S. (2017). Infinite loop spaces from operads with homological stability. Advances in Mathematics. 321, 391-430. Bobkova, I., Lindenstrauss, A., Poirier, K., Richter, B., & Zakharevich, I. (2015). On the Higher Topological Hochschild Homology of F-p and Commutative F-p-Group Algebras. Contemporary Mathematics. 641, 97-122. institutional repository document Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Goerss, P. G., Henn, H., Pham, V., & Stojanoska, V. (2022). The Exotic $K(2)$-Local Picard Group at the Prime $2$ Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Goerss, P. G., Henn, H., Pham, V., & Stojanoska, V. (2022). Cohomology of the Morava stabilizer group through the duality resolution at $n=p=2$ Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Pham, V., & Xu, Z. (2021). The topological modular forms of $mathbb{R}P^2$ and $mathbb{R}P^2 wedge mathbb{C}P^2$ Beaudry, A., Bobkova, I., Hill, M., & Stojanoska, V. (2019). Invertible $K(2)$-Local $E$-Modules in $C_4$-Spectra Bhattacharya, P., Bobkova, I., & Thomas, B. (2018). The $P_2^1$ Margolis homology of connective topological modular forms Bhattacharya, P., Bobkova, I., & Thomas, B. (2018). The $P_2^1$ Margolis homology of connective topological modular forms Bobkova, I. (2018). Spanier--Whitehead duality in the K(2)-local category at p=2 Bobkova, I., Hning, E., Lindenstrauss, A., Poirier, K., Richter, B., & Zakharevich, I. (2018). Splittings and calculational techniques for higher THH Basterra, M., Bobkova, I., Ponto, K., Tillmann, U., & Yeakel, S. (2016). Infinite loop spaces from operads with homological stability Basterra, M., Bobkova, I., Ponto, K., Tillmann, U., & Yeakel, S. (2016). Inverting operations in operads Bobkova, I., & Goerss, P. G. (2016). Topological resolutions in K(2)-local homotopy theory at the prime 2 Bobkova, I., Lindenstrauss, A., Poirier, K., Richter, B., & Zakharevich, I. (2013). On the higher topological Hochschild homology of $mathbb{F}_p$ and commutative $mathbb{F}_p$-group algebras
principal investigator on Picard Groups and Duality in Chromatic Homotopy Theory at the Prime 2. awarded by Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2020 - 2023
teaching activities MATH171 Calculus I Instructor MATH415 Modern Algebra I Instructor MATH470 Comm And Cryptography Instructor MATH491 Hnr-research Instructor MATH636 Topology I Instructor MATH685 Directed Studies Instructor