3D Newton?Cartan supergravity uri icon


  • We construct a supersymmetric extension of three-dimensional Newton-Cartan gravity by gauging a super-Bargmann algebra. In order to obtain a non-trivial supersymmetric extension of the Bargmann algebra one needs at least two supersymmetries leading to a N=2 super-Bargmann algebra. Due to the fact that there is a universal Newtonian time, only one of the two supersymmetries can be gauged. The other supersymmetry is realized as a fermionic Stueckelberg symmetry and only survives as a global supersymmetry. We explicitly show how, in the frame of a Galilean observer, the system reduces to a supersymmetric extension of the Newton potential. The corresponding supersymmetry rules can only be defined, provided we also introduce a `dual Newton potential'. We comment on the four-dimensional case.

published proceedings

  • Classical and Quantum Gravity

author list (cited authors)

  • Andringa, R., Bergshoeff, E. A., Rosseel, J., & Sezgin, E.

citation count

  • 57

complete list of authors

  • Andringa, Roel||Bergshoeff, Eric A||Rosseel, Jan||Sezgin, Ergin

publication date

  • October 2013