(2,0) tensor multiplets and conformal supergravity in D=6
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We construct the supercurrent multiplet that contains the energy-momentum tensor of the (2, 0) tensor multiplet. By coupling this multiplet of currents to the fields of conformal supergravity, we first construct the linearized superconformal transformations rules of the (2, 0) Weyl multiplet. Next, we construct the full nonlinear transformation rules by gauging the superconformal algebra OSp(S*|4). We then use this result to construct the full equations of motion of the tensor multiplet in a conformal supergravity background. Coupling N + 5 copies of the tensor multiplet to conformal supergravity and imposing a geometrical constraint on the scalar fields which fixes the conformal symmetry, we obtain the coupling of (2, o) Poincar supergravity to N tensor multiplets in which the physical scalars parametrize the coset SO(N, 5)/(SO(N) SO(5)).