selected publications academicarticle Anders, K. C. (2021). Building a Multi-Format Graduate Student Information Literacy Program. REFERENCE & USER SERVICES QUARTERLY. 59(3-4), 156-160. Anders, K. C. (2021). Information Literacy and Instruction: Building a Multi-Format Graduate Student Information Literacy Program. 59(3/4), 156-160. Anders, K. C., & Algenio, E. (2020). Copyright Education for Graduate Students: A Multi-Stage Approach. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 8(1), Budzise-Weaver, T., Anders, K. C., & Bales, S. (2020). Matters of scale: small-scale intensive outreach to graduate students. Public Services Quarterly. 16(3), 147-160. Graves, S. J., Anders, K. C., & Balester, V. M. (2017). Mining writing center data for information literacy practices. 45(1), 100-116. Budzise-Weaver, T., & Anders, K. C. (2016). Be Our Guest: Engaging Graduate Students through Specialized Outreach Events. 7(1), 1-12. Anders, K. C., Graves, S., & German, E. (2016). Using Student Volunteers in Library Orientations. Practical Academic Librarianship. 6(2), 17-30. LeMire, S., Graves, S. J., & Anders, K. C. Librarians as Teachers: Effecting Change in Composition Instruction. Portal. 23(2), 293-312. Graves, S. J., LeMire, S., & Anders, K. C. Uncovering the information literacy skills of first-generation and provisionally admitted students. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 47(1), 102260-102260. chapter Hemstrom, C., & Anders, K. (2022). Creating, Using and Sharing Information in Research Communities. Driscoll, D. L., Heise, M., Stewart, M. K., & Vetter, M. (Eds.), Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 4. (pp. 184-198). Hemstrom, C., & Anders, K. (2018). Communities of Information: Information Literacy and Discourse Community Instruction in First Year Writing Courses. Leach, G. (Eds.), Teaching Information Literacy and Writing Studies: Volume 1, First-Year Composition Courses. (pp. 157-168). Purdue University Press. Anders, K., & Hemstrom, C. (2016). In a Research-Writing Frame of Mind. McClure, R. (Eds.), Rewired : research-writing partnerships within the frameworks. (pp. 67-84). American Library Association. institutional repository document Anders, K. C., Dabrowski, A., & Smith, C. (2018). Small Steps to Giant Leaps: Strategies for Creating Effective Information Literacy Programming Graves, S. J., LeMire, S., Anders, K. C., & DiCaglio, S. (2018). First Generation Success: Mixed-Methods Information Literacy Skills Assessment for First Year Writing Students open teaching materials McKinney, M., Pattison, K., LeMire, S., Anders, K., & Hagstrom-Schmidt, N. (2022). Howdy or hello?: Technical and professional communication (2nd ed.)
teaching activities ENGL104 Composition & Rhetoric Instructor ENGL210 Technical Professional Writing Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas - (Las Vegas, Nevada, United States) 2014 M.A. in English, Duquesne University - (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) 2007 M.L.I.S. in Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh - (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States) 2005 B.A. in Liberal Arts, St. John's College - (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States) 2003