publication venue for
- Near-Ambient Nanocomposite Thermochromic Fenestration Elements from Post-Encapsulation-Annealed Tungsten-Alloyed Vanadium(IV) Oxide Nanocrystals. 5:4829-4839. 2022
- Engineering Multifunctional Stratified LiCoO2 Catalysts: Structural Disorder to Microstructural Exfoliation. 5:14290-14300. 2022
- Progress and Challenges of Carbon Dioxide Reduction Reaction on Transition Metal Based Electrocatalysts. 4:8661-8684. 2021
- Carbon Nanotube/Reduced Graphene Oxide/Aramid Nanofiber Structural Supercapacitors. 3:11763-11771. 2020
- Confronting Racism in Chemistry Journals. 3:6016-6018. 2020
- Tannic Acid as a Small-Molecule Binder for Silicon Anodes. 3:6985-6994. 2020
- Update to Our Reader, Reviewer, and Author Communities-April 2020. 3:4091-4092. 2020
- Elastic and Plastic Characteristics of Sodium Metal. 3:1759-1767. 2020
- Thermoelectric Performance Improvement of Polymer Nanocomposites by Selective Thermal Degradation. 2:5975-5982. 2019
- Uniform Selenization of Crack-Free Films of Cu(ln,Ga)Se-2 Nanocrystals. 2:736-742. 2019
- Regioregularity and Molecular Weight Effects in Redox-Active Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) Electrode Binders. 1:5919-5927. 2018
- Evidence of Low-Dimensional Surface Structures for Oxide Materials: Impact on Energy Conversion. 1:6469-6476. 2018
- Enhanced Organic Solar Cell Performance by Lateral Side Chain Engineering on Benzodithiophene-Based Small Molecules. 1:3684-3692. 2018
- Superhierarchical Nickel-Vanadia Nanocomposites for Lithium Storage. 1:2056-2066. 2018
- Plastic Metal-Free Electric Motor by 3D Printing of Graphene-Polyamide Powder. 1:1726-1733. 2018
- Adapting Early Transition Metal and Nonmetallic Dopants on CoFe Oxyhydroxides for Enhanced Alkaline and Neutral pH Saline Water Oxidation. 4:6942-6956.
- Competing Superior Electronic Structure and Complex Defect Chemistry in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antimony Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Absorbers. 5:492-502.
- Core-Sheath Porous Polyaniline Nanorods/Graphene Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors with High Specific Capacitance and Rate Capability. 2:4335-4344.
- Harnessing Iron Nitride Matrices through Incorporated Cu-Based Moieties for Chlorine Evolution Reaction. 7:9156-9167.
- Local Surface Modulation Activates Metal Oxide Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution: Synthesis, Characterization, and DFT Study of Novel Black ZnO. 3:10590-10599.
- Organic Battery Materials. 7:7560-7561.
- Thermoelectric Properties of Conducting Polymer Nanowire-Tellurium Nanowire Composites. 1:4883-+.