publication venue for
- Characteristics of Hunter Harvested Montezuma Quail Wings and Implications for Molt Phenology. 9. 2022
- Survival, Movement, and Habitat Use of Translocated Northern Bobwhite in Texas. 9. 2022
- A Comparison of Two Quail Abundance Indices and Their Relationship to Quail Harvest in Texas. 5. 2017
- Genetic Diversity and Relatedness Within and Among Northern Bobwhite Coveys in South Texas. 8. 2017
- Habitat Selection of Northern Bobwhite in the Rio Grande Plains of Texas. 5. 2017
- Half-Cutting as a Management Tool to Increase Abundance of Northern Bobwhite in South Texas. 6. 2017
- Impact of Inclement Weather on Overwinter Mortality of Montezuma Quail in Southeast Arizona. 7. 2017
- Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on Northern Bobwhites in the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 8. 2017
- Landscape-Scale Land-Cover Change and Long-Term Abundance of Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite in Texas. 5. 2017
- Northern Bobwhite Home Range Sizes and Movements in South Texas. 8. 2017
- Post-Fire Succession and Montezuma Quail in a Semi-Desert Grassland of Southeast Arizona. 7. 2017
- Ranges and Movements of Montezuma Quail in Southeast Arizona. 8. 2017
- Survival Demographics of Montezuma Quail in Southeast Arizona. 8. 2017
- Testing the Value of Prickly Pear Cactus as a Nest-Predator Deterrent for Northern Bobwhite. 6. 2017
- Use of Extinguish Plus to Reduce Red Imported Fire Ants and Increase Northern Bobwhite Abundance. 8. 2017
- Use of Portable Infrared Cameras to Facilitate Detection and Capture Success of Montezuma Quail. 7. 2017