selected publications academicarticle Sweet, K. (2017). What is Philosophical about Kant's Anthropology?. International Journal of Philosophical Studies : IJPS. 25(3), 336-347. Sweet, K. (2015). Kant and the Liberal Arts: A Defense. 49(3), 1-14. Sweet, K. (2011). PHILOSOPHY AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE: KANT ON MORAL EDUCATION AND POLITICAL CRITIQUE. Idealistic Studies. 41(1-2), 83-94. Sweet, K. (2009). Reflection: Its Structure and Meaning in Kant's Judgements of Taste. Kantian Review. 14(1), 53-80. book Sweet, K. E. (2013). Kant on Practical Life. Cambridge University Press (CUP). chapter Sweet, K. (2018). Between Cognition and Morality. Kant and the Faculty of Feeling. (pp. 130-146). Cambridge University Press (CUP).
teaching activities PHIL251 Hnr-intro To Philosophy Instructor PHIL330 Philosophy Of Art Instructor PHIL332 Social & Pol Phil Instructor PHIL410 Classical Philosophy Instructor PHIL414 19th Cent Philosophy Instructor PHIL485 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL491 Hnr-research Instructor PHIL497 Hnr-indepen Honors Studies Instructor PHIL616 Modern Philosophy Instructor PHIL661 Sem In History Of Phil Instructor PHIL682 Philosophical Authors Instructor PHIL685 Directed Studies Instructor PHIL691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Hoerth, Jackson R (2015-05). Lebensgelassenheit: Meaning and Reflection in Kant's Third Critique and Life After Heidegger's Gelassenheit.
education and training Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Chicago - (Chicago, Illinois, United States) 2006 M.A. in Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago - (Chicago, Illinois, United States) 2003 B.A. in Philosophy, Villanova University - (Radnor, Pennsylvania, United States) 1998
mailing address Texas A&M University Philosophy & Humanities 4237 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-5890 USA