publication venue for
- Evaluating the Impact of Roadway Design Characteristics on Lane Changing near Diamond Interchanges. 149:04022128. 2023
- Effectiveness of End-of-Queue Warning Systems and Portable Rumble Strips on Lane Closure Crashes. 143:04017053. 2017
- Development of Rehabilitation Strategies Based on Structural Capacity for Composite and Flexible Pavements. 143:04016016-04016016. 2016
- Approach to Local Calibration of an Advanced Model for Punchout Distress Using LTPP Data. 141:04015014. 2015
- Development of a Model for Asphalt Pavement Skid Resistance Based on Aggregate Characteristics and Gradation. 137:863-873. 2011
- Effects of Layer Interfacial Bonding Conditions on the Mechanistic Responses in Asphalt Pavements. 137:28-36. 2011
- Selecting Construction Measures for Mitigating Early-Age Delamination in CRC Pavements Made with Gravel Aggregates. 135:572-579. 2009
- Crash Injury Severity Analysis Using Bayesian Ordered Probit Models. 135:18-25. 2009
- Analysis of Flexible Pavement Response and Performance Using Isotropic and Anisotropic Material Properties. 132:342-349. 2006
- Environmental Effects on the Behavior of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements. 131:140-148. 2005
- Modeling and Experimental Measurements of Strain Distribution in Asphalt Mixes. 127:477-485. 2001
- Finite-Element Analysis of Temperature Effects on Plain-Jointed Concrete Pavements. 122:388-398. 1996
- Fractals of Aggregates Correlated with Creep in Asphalt Concrete. 122:22-28. 1996
- Spalling of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements. 120:394-411. 1994
- ImageBased ExpertSystem Approach to Distress Detection on CRC Pavement. 120:52-64. 1994
- Analysis of Concave Curling in Concrete Slabs. 119:618-633. 1993
- Experiment Design Approach to Nondestructive Testing of Pavements. 115:505-520. 1989
- Viscoelastic Approach to Modeling Performance of Buried Pipes. 115:253-269. 1989
- Predicting the Distribution of Vehicle Travel Paths along Horizontal Curves. 143:04017021.