publication venue for
- Prognosis of Epileptic Seizure Event Onsets Using Random Survival Forests. 12:221-231. 2022
- A multi-level stakeholder-centered approach to investigate unnecessary readmissions in emergency departments. 11:24-37. 2021
- Continuous monitoring and detection of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) triggers among veterans: A supervised machine learning approach. 9:201-211. 2019
- A new data source to support hospital operations modeling, message-exchange protocols as illustrated through simulation. 7:30-42. 2017
- The impact of overbooking on primary care patient no-show. 3:147-170. 2013
- Erratum. 2:232-232. 2012
- Reducing pediatric medication errors: A survey and taxonomy. 2:142-155. 2012
- Chemotherapy operations planning and scheduling. 2:31-49. 2012
- Patient and resource scheduling of multi-step medical procedures in nuclear medicine. 1:168-184. 2011
- Optimal and approximate algorithms for sequential clinical scheduling with no-shows. 1:20-36. 2011
- A sociotechnical framework for integration of telehealth into clinical workflow. ahead-of-print:1-12.