publication venue for
- EZFF: Python library for multi-objective parameterization and uncertainty quantification of interatomic forcefields for molecular dynamics. 13:100663-100663. 2021
- pksensi: An R package to apply global sensitivity analysis in physiologically based kinetic modeling.. 12:100609-100609. 2020
- RuralSpeedSafetyX: Interactive decision support tool to improve safety. 11:100493-100493. 2020
- Auxiliary codes for fault prognosis of Tennessee Eastman process using a hybrid model (CPL1.0). 10:100309-100309. 2019
- MIDAS-VT-Pre: Software to generate 2D finite element model of particle/fiber embedded composites with cohesive zones. 10:100292-100292. 2019
- A NetCDF version of the two-dimensional energy balance model based on the full multigrid algorithm. 6:198-202. 2017
- anyFish 2.0: An open-source software platform to generate and share animated fish models to study behavior. 3:13-21.