publication venue for
- Urban WEF Nexus: An Approach for the Use of Internal Resources under Climate Change. 9:176-176. 2022
- Estimation of Spatial and Temporal Groundwater Balance Components in Khadir Canal Sub-Division, Chaj Doab, Pakistan. 8:178-178. 2021
- Impact of Climate Change on the Streamflow Modulated by Changes in Precipitation and Temperature in the North Latitude Watershed of Nepal. 8:117-117. 2021
- Estimation of Stream Health Using Flow-Based Indices. 5:20-20. 2018
- Simulating the Hydrologic Impact of Arundo donax Invasion on the Headwaters of the Nueces River in Texas. 2:134-147. 2015
- Assessment of Alternative Agricultural Land Use Options for Extending the Availability of the Ogallala Aquifer in the Northern High Plains of Texas. 5:53-53.
- Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and Crop Production in Western Nepal: Implications and Adaptation Strategies. 9:132-132.
- Importance of Fog and Cloud Water Contributions to Soil Moisture in the Andean Paramo. 9:54-54.
- Predicting Optical Water Quality Indicators from Remote Sensing Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Tropical Highlands of Ethiopia. 10:110-110.