Measurements at calving for straightbred and crossbred cows of diverse types.
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Reproductive and calving records of 611 cows from F1 and F2 generations from a diallel mating system with Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey were examined. The inter se matings were by artificial insemination, and each cow had three or four parturitions. Dependent variables included weight, hip weight at first calving, age at first calving, gestation length and calving interval. Brahmans were the heaviest, tallest and oldest purebred at first calving. Crossbred Brahman females tended to be older than other crosses at first calving. Purebred Brahmans and one-half Brahman crosses also had the longest gestation lengths and calving intervals. First-gestation (F1) crossbred cows were 18 kg heavier (P less than .05), 2.0 cm taller (P less than .01) and 35 d younger (P less than .05) at first calving than contemporary straightbreds. Average maternal heterosis for height at calving was significant (1.4 cm; P less than .05); however, estimates of specific and average maternal heterosis for measurements taken at first calving were generally nonsignificant. Estimates of specific and average individual and maternal heterosis were generally small and nonsignificant for gestation length and calving interval.