publication venue for
- Approximate analytical solutions for multispecies convection-dispersion transport equation with variable parameters. 10:1064110. 2023
- Editorial: Advances and applications of distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) in multi-scales geoscience problems. 10:1126105. 2023
- Editorial: Gas hydrate appearance, accumulation, exploration and exploitation in continental margins. 11:1121601. 2023
- Identification of Degradation Areas of Ecological Environment and Degradation Intensity Assessment in the Yellow River Basin. 10:922013. 2022
- Amplifying Meteorological Droughts Across Middle- and Low-Latitude Northern Hemisphere. 10:914232. 2022
- Amplifying Flood Risk Across the Lower Yellow River Basin, China, Under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. 10:900866. 2022
- Effects of Microbial-Mineral Interactions on Organic Carbon Stabilization in a Ponderosa Pine Root Zone: A Micro-Scale Approach. 10:799694. 2022
- Understanding Complex Debris-Covered Glaciers: Concepts, Issues, and Research Directions. 9:652279. 2021
- Molecular Nature of Marine Particulate Organic Iron-Carrying Moieties Revealed by Electrospray Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (ESI-FTICRMS). 8:266. 2020
- Local Emissions and Regional Wildfires Influence Refractory Black Carbon Observations Near Palmer Station, Antarctica. 7:49. 2019
- Soil water thermodynamic to unify water retention curve by pressure plates and tensiometer. 2:30. 2014