Cervical hyperplasia with prolapse in a mare. uri icon


  • Cervical hyperplasia with prolapse through the vulvar lips was documented in a mare. Postmortem examination indicated that the mass originated from the cervical wall. The surface of the prolapsed mass had histologic features of normal cervix. Cervical hyperplasia can be considered in a list of differential diagnoses in cases of prolapse of the internal genitalia in mares.

published proceedings

  • J Am Vet Med Assoc

author list (cited authors)

  • Riera, F. L., Hinrichs, K., Hunt, P. R., & Kenney, R. M.

citation count

  • 11

complete list of authors

  • Riera, FL||Hinrichs, K||Hunt, PR||Kenney, RM

publication date

  • November 1989