Effect of administration of phenylbutazone or progesterone on recovery of embryos from the uterus of mares 5 days after ovulation. uri icon


  • Twelve horse mares were used to investigate the effect of phenylbutazone or progesterone administration on uterine tubal motility, as reflected by embryo recovery from the uterus on day 5 after ovulation. Four treatment groups were used: group A (controls), in which uterine flush was performed 7 to 11 days after ovulation; group B (5-day controls), in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation; group C, in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation following administration of phenylbutazone (2 g, IV) on day 3; and group D, in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation following administration of progesterone in oil (250 mg, IM) on days 0, 1, and 2. Each mare was randomly assigned to each group once. Embryo recovery for each group was: group A, 13 embryos from 12 mares; group B, 3 embryos from 12 mares; group C, 4 embryos from 11 mares; and group D, 1 embryo from 11 mares. Recovery of embryos on day 5 in 3 of 12 nontreated mares indicated that equine embryos may enter the uterus before day 6. Neither treatment increased embryo recovery from the uterus on day 5 over that from the uterus of the 5-day controls.

published proceedings

  • Am J Vet Res

author list (cited authors)

  • Hinrichs, K., & Watson, E. D.

citation count

  • 6

complete list of authors

  • Hinrichs, K||Watson, ED

publication date

  • May 1991