A comprehensive linkage map of the pig based on a wild pig-Large White intercross. uri icon


  • A comprehensive linkage map, including 236 linked markers with a total sex-average map length of about 2300 cM, covering nearly all parts of the pig genome has been established. Linkage groups were assigned to approximately all 18 autosomes, the X chromosome and the X/Y pseudoautosomal region. Several new gene assignments were made including the assignment of linkage group U1 (EAK-HPX) to chromosome 9. The linkage map includes 77 types I loci informative for comparative mapping and 72 in situ mapped markers physically anchoring the linkage groups on chromosomes. A highly significant heterogeneity in recombination rates between sexes was observed with a general tendency towards an excess of female recombination. The average ratio of female to male recombination was estimated at 1.4:1 but this parameter varied between chromosomes as well as between regions within chromosomes. An intriguing finding was that blood group loci were overrepresented at the distal ends of linkage groups.

published proceedings

  • Anim Genet

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Marklund, L., Johansson Moller, M., Hyheim, B., Davies, W., Fredholm, M., Juneja, R. K., ... Andersson, L.

citation count

  • 98

complete list of authors

  • Marklund, L||Johansson Moller, M||Høyheim, B||Davies, W||Fredholm, M||Juneja, RK||Mariani, P||Coppieters, W||Ellegren, H||Andersson, L

publication date

  • August 1996
