Close association between DNA polymorphism of bovine major histocompatibility complex class I genes and serological BoLA-A specificities.
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Class I genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were investigated by Southern blot hybridization and by serological analysis. A large number of class I restriction fragments and an extensive polymorphism were revealed when genomic DNA samples, digested with the restriction enzyme PvuII, were hybridized with a human cDNA probe. The result indicated the presence of multiple class I genes in cattle. The extensive restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was interpreted genetically by analysing five paternal half-sib families comprising, besides the bulls, 50 offspring and their dams. No less than 21 RFLP types were distinguished in this limited sample. The class I polymorphism was also analysed using a serological test with sera corresponding to four workshop specificities (w2, w6, w10 and w16) and three locally defined specificities (SRB1, SRB2 and SRB3). There was an excellent agreement between the two typing methods since no RFLP type was associated with more than one specificity and five of the seven specificities were associated with a single RFLP type. Evidence for close genetic linkage between class I and DQ class II genes was obtained since no recombinant was found among 45 informative offspring. Linkage disequilibrium among class I, DQ class II and C4 genes was also observed. The blood group specificity M' was completely associated with the w16 class I specificity and with the haplotype I1DQ1BC4(2) in this material.