Progress from chicken genetics to the chicken genome. uri icon


  • The chicken has a proud history, both in genetic research and as a source of food. Here we attempt to provide an overview of past contributions of the chicken in both arenas and to link those contributions to the near future from a genetic perspective. Companion articles will discuss current poultry genetics research in greater detail. The chicken was the first animal species in which Mendelian inheritance was demonstrated. A century later, the chicken was the first among farm animals to have its genome sequenced. Between these firsts, the chicken remained a key organism used in genetic research. Breeding programs, based on sound genetic principles, facilitated the global emergence of the chicken meat and egg industries. Concomitantly, the chicken served as a model whose experimental populations and mutant stocks were used in basic and applied studies with broad application to other species, including humans. In this paper, we review some of these contributions, trace the path from the origin of molecular genetics to the sequence of the chicken genome, and discuss the merits of the chicken as a model organism for furthering our understanding of biology.

published proceedings

  • Poult Sci

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Siegel, P. B., Dodgson, J. B., & Andersson, L.

citation count

  • 30

complete list of authors

  • Siegel, PB||Dodgson, JB||Andersson, L

publication date

  • December 2006