Influence of feeding management, concentrate intake and energy intake on the risk of hyperketonmia in Swedish dairy herds
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The risk of hyperketonaemia (clinical and subclinical ketosis) and how it is influenced by feeding and management routines was analyzed in 291-354 dairy herds over a 3 year period. The overall frequencies of cows with milk acetone 0.40 mM ranged between 4.2 and 6.2% in Parity 1 and 12.7 and 13.8% in Parity 2+. The incidence was probably underestimated, as samples were taken once per 30 day period. The risk of hyperketonmia was higher at low than at high feeding frequencies; most odds ratios (OR) were in the range of 1.0-2.7 for two versus four meals per day. The effect of feeding frequency was most evident on high concentrate rations. A larger amount of concentrate in early lactation was deemed to increase the risk of hyperketonmia, but not consistently so; OR ranged between 0.4 and 2.7, with highest risks for the Swedish Red and White breed. Feeding forage before concentrate and feeding the cows a meal close to milking time reduced the risk of hyperketonmia, but the results were inconsistent. Hyperketonmia occurred more often in herds with feeding barriers than in short stall without feeding barrier. Our findings suggest that a high feeding frequency and a cautious feeding strategy of concentrate early in lactation are important factors in the prevention of subclinical or clinical ketosis. 1995.