Restriction fragment length polymorphism of bovine lysozyme genes. uri icon


  • Genetic polymorphism of bovine lysozyme (LYZ) genes was investigated by analysing restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The analysis revealed three RFLP loci designated LYZ1, LYZ2 and LYZ2. Each system included two or three allelic variants. Evidence for close genetic linkage of the three loci was found. There was also a significant linkage disequilibrium among the three loci in a sample of about 200 breeding bulls from one breed. No statistically significant association was found between LYZ RFLPs and breeding values of bulls for disease or milk production traits.

published proceedings

  • Anim Genet

author list (cited authors)

  • Sigurdardttir, S., Lundn, A., & Andersson, L.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Sigurdardóttir, S||Lundén, A||Andersson, L

publication date

  • June 1990
