The relationship between bovine major histocompatibility complex class II polymorphism and disease studied by use of bull breeding values.
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The predictive value of class II DQ and DYA polymorphisms of the bovine major histocompatibility (MHC) complex (BoLA) for the incidence of disease in dairy cattle was estimated in a sample of 196 progeny-tested AI bulls of the Swedish Red and White breed. The BoLA DQ and DYA types of the bulls were determined by analysing restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Breeding values of bulls for clinical mastitis, all diseases including clinical mastitis and diseases other than clinical mastitis were used as measures of disease resistance or susceptibility. The relationship between MHC polymorphism and bull breeding values for disease resistance was evaluated statistically by linear regression analysis. A significant association between the haplotype DQ1A and susceptibility to clinical mastitis was revealed. No other DQ haplotype nor the DYA locus has a significant effect on any of the disease traits studied.