Nomenclature for factors of the BoLA system, 1996: report of the ISAG BoLA Nomenclature Committee uri icon


  • The BoLA (bovine lymphocyte antigen) Nomenclature Committee met during the 1994 and 1996 conferences of the International Society for Animal Genetics to define a sequence-based nomenclature system for genes of the BoLA system. The rules for acceptance of now sequences are described and names are assigned to the sequenced alleles of the class II genes DRA, DRB1, DRB2, DRB3, DQA, DQB, DYA, DIB, DMA and DMB. The assignment of BoLA class I sequences to loci will be considered at a later workshop when further sequencing/mapping data are available.

published proceedings

  • Animal Genetics

author list (cited authors)

  • Davies, C. J., Andersson, L., Mikko, S., Ellis, S. A., Hensen, E. J., Lewin, H. A., ... Russell, G. C.

citation count

  • 91

complete list of authors

  • Davies, CJ||Andersson, L||Mikko, S||Ellis, SA||Hensen, EJ||Lewin, HA||Muggli‐Cockett, NE||van der Poel, JJ||Russell, GC

publication date

  • June 1997
