Restriction fragment length polymorphism of DQ and DR class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex. uri icon


  • DQ alpha, DQ beta, DR alpha and DR beta class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) were investigated by Southern blot hybridizations using human probes. Hybridizations of these probes to genomic DNA, digested with PvuII or TaqI, revealed extensive restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The polymorphisms were interpreted genetically by analysing a family material, comprising five sires, 48 dams and 50 offspring, and a population sample comprising 197 breeding bulls. The analysis resolved 20 DQ alpha, 17 DQ beta, 5 DR alpha and 25 DR beta RFLP types. The segregation data were consistent with simple Mendelian inheritance of the RFLPs. The analysis of the bull sample showed that it is possible to apply the RFLP method for routine typing of class II polymorphism in population samples. The linkage disequilibrium in the DQ-DR region was found to be extremely strong as only about 20 DQ and about 30 DQ-DR haplotypes were observed despite the large number of possible haplotypes. Close linkage to the blood group locus M was also found; the M' allele occurred in strong linkage disequilibrium with the class II haplotype DQ1BDR alpha 4DR beta 1B. A population genetic analysis of the DQ data in the sample of breeding bulls revealed that the frequency of homozygotes was significantly lower than Hardy-Weinberg expectation and that the allele frequency distribution deviated significantly from the one expected for selectively neutral alleles.

published proceedings

  • Anim Genet

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Sigurdardttir, S., Lundn, A., & Andersson, L.

citation count

  • 63

complete list of authors

  • Sigurdardóttir, S||Lundén, A||Andersson, L

publication date

  • January 1988
