Dissociation of virtual photons in events with a leading proton at HERA uri icon


  • The ZEUS detector has been used to study dissociation of virtual photons in events with a leading proton, *p Xp, in e+p collisions at HERA. The data cover photon virtualities in two ranges, 0.03 < Q2 < 0.60 GeV2 and 2 < Q2 < 100 GeV2, with MX > 1.5 GeV, where MX is the mass of the hadronic final state, X. Events were required to have a leading proton, detected in the ZEUS leading proton spectrometer, carrying at least 90% of the incoming proton energy. The cross section is presented as a function of t, the squared four-momentum transfer at the proton vertex, , the azimuthal angle between the positron scattering plane and the proton scattering plane, and Q2. The data are presented in terms of the diffractive structure function, F2D(3). A next-to-leading-order QCD fit to the higher-Q2 data set and to previously published diffractive charm production data is presented. Springer-Verlag/Societ Italiana di Fisica 2004.

published proceedings

  • European Physical Journal C

altmetric score

  • 0.25

author list (cited authors)

  • The ZEUS Collaboration.

citation count

  • 66

complete list of authors

publication date

  • December 2004