Large-xF spin asymmetry in0 production by 200-GeV polarized protons uri icon


  • The spin asymmetry AN for inclusive 0 production by 200-GeV transversely-polarized protons on a liquid hydrogen target has been measured at Fermilab over a wide range of xF, with 0.50.3, the asymmetry rises with increasing xF and reaches a value of AN=0.150.03 in the region 0.6

published proceedings

  • Zeitschrift fr Physik C Particles and Fields

author list (cited authors)

  • FNAL E704 Collaboration, .., Adams, D. L., Akchurin, N., Belikov, N. I., Bystricky, J., Corcoran, M. D., ... Zanetti, A.

citation count

  • 54

complete list of authors

  • Adams, DL||Akchurin, N||Belikov, NI||Bystricky, J||Corcoran, MD||Cossairt, JD||Cranshaw, J||Derevschikov, AA||En'yo, H||Funahashi, H||Goto, Y||Grachov, OA||Grosnick, DP||Hill, DA||Imai, K||Itow, Y||Iwatani, K||Krueger, KW||Kuroda, K||Laghai, M||Lehar, F||de Lesquen, A||Lopiano, D||Luehring, FC||Maki, T||Makino, S||Masaike, A||Matulenko, Yu A||Meschanin, AP||Michalowicz, A||Miller, DH||Miyake, K||Nagamine, T||Nessi-Tedaldi, F||Nessi, M||Nguyen, C||Nurushev, SB||Ohashi, Y||Onel, Y||Patalakha, DI||Pauletta, G||Penzo, A||Read, AL||Roberts, JB||van Rossum, L||Rykov, VL||Saito, N||Salvato, G||Schiavon, P||Skeens, J||Solovyanov, VL||Spinka, H||Takashima, R||Takeutchi, F||Tamura, N||Tanaka, N||Underwood, DG||Vasiliev, AN||Villari, A||White, JL||Yamashita, S||Yokosawa, A||Yoshida, T||Zanetti, A

publication date

  • June 1992