Statistical QoS-Driven Cooperative Power Allocation Game Over Wireless Cognitive Radio Networks
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2017 IEEE. As a critical technique to support the multimedia services - the major traffic in cognitive radio networks (CRNs), the statistical quality-of-service (QoS) technique has been proved to be effective in statistically guaranteeing delay-bounded video transmissions over the time-varying wireless channels. On the other hand, in modern CRNs, cooperative spectrum sensing is shown to be able to greatly improve the sensing performance in cognitive radio networks. However, secondary users belonging to different service providers tend to be selfish and allocate their resources independently. Accordingly, challenges have been raised in applying the cooperative game to maximize the total network utility. To effectively overcome the above-mentioned challenges, we propose the QoS-driven power allocation scheme implementing the cooperative spectrum sensing game over CRNs. In particular, under the Nakagami-m channel model, we establish the cooperative spectrum sensing system model. Given the statistical QoS constraints, we analyze the effective capacity and Markov chain model for different sensing scenarios. We propose the QoS-aware cooperative power control game for cooperative spectrum sensing system over CRNs. Also conducted is a set of simulations which evaluate the system performance and show that our proposed resource allocation policy can achieve the optimality under the statistical delay-bounded QoS constraints over cooperative spectrum sensing CRNs.
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2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)