Negotiation-Based Gaming for Statistical QoS Guarantee Over Information-Centric Wireless Networks
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2016 IEEE. Information-centric network technique is developed to reduce duplicate transmissions for popular data contents by adopting caching strategy and enabling mobile users to access popular data contents from cache stations of nearby network gateways. In current information-centric wireless networks, one popular data content can be stored in multiple cache stations and requested by multiple mobile users. One of the main challenges of this multiple-cache-and-multiple- user wireless network lies in how the mobile user obtains a data content from one of these multiple cache stations with the minimum cost while guaranteeing the data transmission quality-of-service (QoS), and which mobile-user should a cache station choose to provide the data content. To overcome these problems, we formulate a many-to-many negotiation game, where each player (a cache station or a mobile user) bargains with all of its negotiation partners (all mobile users and all cache stations, respectively) in terms of desirable prices, aiming at maximizing its individual payoff. In our proposed negotiation game scheme, the payoff for a mobile user is the obtained QoS gain minus corresponding costs, and the payoff for a cache station is the obtained payment from its negotiation partner mobile user minus the cost for providing services. We propose an adaptive concession strategy, such that players can adjust the concession speed and concession amount of their desirable prices according to their current bargain situations in each game round. Then, we mathematically prove that our proposed adaptive concession strategy maximizes players' payoffs and the probability to achieve a negotiation agreement. Finally, we validate and evaluate the performances of our proposed negotiation game scheme and adaptive concession strategy through the numerical analyses.
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2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)