Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control Conference Paper uri icon


  • System-wide disturbances in power systems are a challenging problem for the utility industry because of the large scale and the complexity of the power system. When a major power system disturbance occurs, protection and control actions are required to stop the power system degradation, restore the system to a normal state, and minimize the impact of the disturbance. In some cases, the present control actions are not designed for a fast-developing disturbance and may be too slow. The report explores special protetion schemes and new technologies for advanced, wide-area protection. There seems to be a great potential for advanced wide-area protection and control systems, based on powerful, flexible and reliable system protection terminals, high speed, communication, and GPS synchronization in conjunction with careful and skilled engineering by power system analysts and protection engineers in cooperation. 2005 IEEE.

name of conference

  • Proceedings of the IEEE

published proceedings

  • Proceedings of the IEEE

author list (cited authors)

  • Begovic, M., Novosel, D., Karlsson, D., Henville, C., & Michel, G.

citation count

  • 192

complete list of authors

  • Begovic, M||Novosel, D||Karlsson, D||Henville, C||Michel, G

publication date

  • May 2005