Emergent leadership in self-managed virtual teams: A replication
Conference Paper
Carte, Chidambaram, and Becker (2006) conducted a longitudinal study of 22 self-managed virtual teams to better understand the differences in leadership behaviors engaged in by high-versus low-performing teams. We conducted a methodological replication of their study to attempt to confirm its findings. Our data were collected in a different country (Sri Lanka versus US), using different subjects (MBA versus undergraduate students) grouped into 25 teams that were collocated (rather than geographically distributed) but still using a collaborative technology (CT), and engaged in different a task (judgement versus intellective) than the original study. These changes result in opportunities to determine the robustness of previous findings. Two of five hypotheses results were replicated, indicating that certain characteristics of high-performing technology-supported teams seem universal. However, the remaining differences between the studies point to the influence of task, culture, and geographic dispersion of members in determining effective leadership behaviors in self-managed computer-supported teams.