On the discrepancy of strongly unimodular matrices
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A (0, 1) matrix A is strongly unimodular if A is totally unimodular and every matrix obtained from A by setting a non-zero entry to 0 is also totally unimodular. Here we consider the linear discrepancy of strongly unimodular matrices. It was proved by Lovz et al. (J. Combin. 7 (1986) 151-160) that for any matrix A, lindisc(A)herdisc(A). (1) When A is the incidence matrix of a set-system, a stronger inequality holds: For any family script H sign of subsets of {1,2,...,n}, lindisc(script H sign)(1 - tn)herdisc(script H sign), where tn2-2n (Spencer, Ten Lectures on the Probabilistric Method, 2nd Edition, CBMS-NSF Regional Conferences Series in Applied Mathematics, 1994). In this paper we prove that the constant tn can be improved to 3-(n+1)/2 for strongly unimodular matrices. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.