publication venue for
- Economic and Ecological Impacts of Increased Drought Frequency in the Edwards Aquifer. 8:2-2. 2020
- Disconnect within Agriculture and Ecosystem Climate Effects, Adaptations and Policy. 8:63-63. 2020
- Integrating Agriculture and Ecosystems to Find Suitable Adaptations to Climate Change. 8:10-10. 2020
- Cross-Comparison between MODIS and VIIRS Snow Cover Products for the 2016 Hydrological Year. 7:57-57. 2019
- An Overview of Mitigation and Adaptation Needs and Strategies for the Livestock Sector. 5:95-95. 2017
- Adaption to Climate Change through Fallow Rotation in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. 5:64-64. 2017
- Knowledge, Information, and Views of Climate Change: An Examination of Coastal Stakeholders along the Gulf of Mexico. 3:983-998. 2015
- What Butterfly Effect? The Contextual Differences in Public Perceptions of the Health Risk Posed by Climate Change. 3:668-688. 2015